not bad
could use a little better voice acting, no offense.
not bad
could use a little better voice acting, no offense.
Am I really that bad that you deducted 4 points?
room for imrpovment
alot of it...
the backgrround looks like it was made in paint, the actual animation was awful and you could have atleast sprung for a little voice . try better animation against a music video to a popular 80s rock anthem, there always a hit. oh and less french.
it'd be funnier ...
if i hadnt already heard the joke and new what would happen it over
really, is it over, i love madness and ass much as id hate to see it over...the closure is nice. will there be more? return the clown, maybe the savior is... ... ressurected. sorry, well, looking foword to an answer.
love theese types
i love the newground character battle scenario, but the fights were a little short and occaisonally it wasnt clear who won, good, but not as indepth as i would have perfered.
horror/love story
nice, didnt see the end coming though. a nice peice of work in all.
painfull to watch
as much as i love sonic jokes n' such, that was kinda awful, i dont know if it was the maggots and the puke and the moment of regret sonic had, because id be a little mor concerned with the spike, but this wasnt all that great...just puttin that out there.
so far
this is the best angry dog.
i expected more
i expected more
a college student trying to pass and figure what to do with life.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 7/21/10