in addition to being my favorite color
orange is my favorite knight, good job.
in addition to being my favorite color
orange is my favorite knight, good job.
that sort of blew
you should have shown a weeping bell viciously attacking its owner when it evolved, then again, i think you only see this when it gets to that case, you wont see this. but ill offer siome critisism so p-bot dosnt go all p bot on me, for one, dont loop your video unless its actually goot, like get on my horse, 2 make your videos longer (and funny) , and III. or maybe have the same concept, but add a shit ton more content and less crazy stupid animations....good luck in the future...the most fuckedc upp art is that im not an animator, so i dont actually have any place telling you how to animate.
like it better than the second one...
first, i like the heart dodging at the beginning, the poke ball was a nice touch and i like the chase scene part, plus this one goes more into the whole"not allowed to be together" thingy.
i liked the first one more
but it was a good flash, i liked the music in the first one more, but the music you chose is suited perfectly for this flash. either way, good job..
i liked it
it was good, it was one of those flashes ive seen around , but never clicked on, however, i veryh much liked it and will now watch the other ones...
great for a first flash
thats pretty good for a first flash, you seem pretty good at animating, especially if your new at it, if you dont do diologue, you should make a music video. that'd be cool.
thats was actually pretty fucking good
covered a lot of elements of a good story, fantastic animation, just everything was good, keep that shit up man.
loved it
since i got the games, these are a lot funnier. i like the twist and the portrayal of the orange knight, i do wish you showd the grey knights falling to there deaths...nothing ruins a wedding like a few well placed corpses
nemekians dont have peins's, havent you ever watched abridged?
a college student trying to pass and figure what to do with life.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 7/21/10