1. posting post with the same name-several hours banned
2.posting on a spam thread-day banned (i didnt even know)
3.complaining about a deleted thread(similar to this post) by creating threads-two days banned.
4."bumping an ancient thread from 2001 for a stupid reason. dont bump threads just because its the oldesy one you bring back up"- bahamut. 5 days banned i looked through the rules and couldnt find my self in violation...
5. banned 7 days. reason for ban-
" "bumping an old topic without a good reasonand new information" its right there in the rules even if you try to conribute to a really old thread, its really redundant considereing the majority of users from 2001 have moved on from NG. just leave old threads to die."
- bahamut
i figure i got ban #5 for the same reason as ban #4. i also got a thread locked in the process. maybe part of the reason is that i called out bahamut in a subtle way, trying to say that im contributing ( and using his name, creating an allusion to ban # 4), revise my reason for being banned in #4. my only question is...are 2002 threads off limits?
<a href="http://bit.ly/1gtzi">http://bit.ly/1gtzi</a>