a college student trying to pass and figure what to do with life.

Age 31, Male


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is this braking a rule?

Posted by paradigmvulpes - September 11th, 2010

If you break these rules, you'll earn an instant ban regardless of which moderator sees the post(s).

Using racist, sexist, homophobic or hateful language.
Posting pornographic (including cartoon porn) or NSFW (Not Safe For Work) material. Exceptions include NG staff or if you're posting to the Art Forum and it's relevant rather than downright perverted.
Linking to pornographic or NSFW material without a clear warning.
Linking to viruses, referral sites, or maliciously coded websites either in your signature or in your post.
Discussing illegal activities - including, but not limited to: ROMs, cracks, warez and hacking.
Instigating or discussing malicious attacks on other websites
Posting with an alternate account whilst banned or your main account while an alt is banned. Both accounts may be deleted.
Posting any member's real life information without permission.
Impersonating Administrators, Moderators, or Newgrounds regulars.
Bumping any old topic without a good reason and new information.
Making multiple short posts (five words or less) over a short time period.
Attempting to smartass your way around these rules.
If you break these rules, you're definitely risking being banned. Think before you post.

Remaking or complaining about a locked or deleted thread by creating a new thread.
Complaining or boasting about any ban, including comments in signature text.
Backseat modding: pointing out what needs to be deleted, banned, locked or destroyed.
Posting flashing or strobing images, or picture spamming: repeatedly posting the same picture or posting irrelevant / overused images such as the FAIL picture.
ALL CAPS posting.
Chasing / harassing / flaming other users, regardless of who instigated it.
Harassing other users by having a continuous negative or bitter attitude towards them.
Insulting or harassing the moderators or administrators.
Trolling: cruising the boards looking for a fight.
Sniping or knocking established NG groups, such as the Clocks, Locks, IWP.
Repeatedly advertising your website.
Recreating a thread that has been created recently. Use the search bar before hitting "New Topic".
Posting excessively in a language other than English for the sole purpose of excluding the majority of the users.
Making "Hi, I'm new", "I'm back", or "I'm leaving NG" threads without significant content pertinent to your situation.
Creating parody threads or posting with gimmick accounts.
Making stats threads.
Posting "Use the search", "Use Google" or similar messages without providing relevant links.
Posting lame chat conversations. No one cares. Seriously.
Attempting to smartass your way around these rules.

wow, back when i posted this i was getting banned a lot, not so much anymore, anyways, i still don't like the clocks, but everyone has a right to be on this site.


Comments ain't a thing here.